Archbishop Alexander (Nehodenko) Archpriest Maksym (Bykov) Archpriest Vitalian (Drobotun)

  • Orthodox Feast «Universal Exaltation of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross»

    Orthodox Feast «Universal Exaltation of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross»Feast of the Universal Exaltation of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross is one of twelve great Christian holidays. The feast is set in honour of the event when Empress Helen found and exalt the real cross on which the Lord our Jesus Christ was crucified...

  • Orthodox feast «Transfiguration of the Lord»

    Orthodox feast «Transfiguration of the Lord»The day of the Transfiguration of the Lord is one of twelve main Orthodox feasts. It was established in honor of incomprehensible Transfiguration of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and His appearance in the Divine greatness and glory on the Mount Thabor in front of His followers and future Apostles Peter, Jacob and John. This unusual event is described by three Evangelists at once - Matthew, Mark and Luke....

  • How to understand the words of Jesus: «Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of Me…»

    How to understand the words of Jesus:  «Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of Me…»

    This utterance has a very deep meaning, but, unfortunately, many people do not understand it. Any misunderstanding leads to opposition and brings a person to the wrong way. How can we explain the words of Jesus from the Holy Gospel in a right way? Having read or heard them somebody think: "How could it be? If I have father and mother, how shouldn’t I love them? How shouldn’t I help them? How can I leave everything and just follow God, serve to God only, and forget about my relatives?" No, our God Jesus Christ meant: a person who loves his/her relatives and neighbours more than loves God cannot be truly happy and cannot sincerely follow God.

  • How to understand and to keep God’s Сommandments?

    How to understand and to keep God’s Сommandments

    The soul comes in this world and gets the greatest gift from God – it is life. The Lord gave Ten Commandments to humanity for its salvation; in these Commandments the rules of life are described. The Lord gave the choice to people – to keep God’s Commandments or to ignore them. It is sometimes very difficult to make this choice. Why?

  • How to sow a good grain in your heart?

    How to sow a good grain in your heart?The human’s soul is a specific soil, which is sowed with informational grain. And when a man takes some information close to his heart it grows with thoughts and later with feelings...

  • How to pray for peace in Ukraine?

    How to pray for peace in Ukraine

    Today a lot of people ask question: “How to pray in the time of the terrible war aggression, which is happening in Ukraine right now? How long this darkness will last in our country? How long people will suffer in it?”

  • How should we move towards God’s blessing?

    How should we move towards God’s blessing?

    A person who believes in God always comes to a priest to get the blessing when he/she needs help in solving difficult problems, which happen in life. But not always help arrives. Why?

  • How can we protect ourselves and our children from the hard diseases?

    How can we protect ourselves and our children from the hard diseases?

    Jesus Christ says that a man gets ill because of his sins or his parents’ sins. It looks very easy – just live religious life and your kids and you will be healthy. It is a pity, but in our life everything happens in a very different way. Because we all are weak and poor, even those who visit the church.

  • Confession as the tool for happiness

    Confession as the tool for happiness

    The happiness is such a short word, but it absorbs all human needs, dreams and desires. People make huge mistakes when they try to chase it and later people pay for it with the great sufferings. And the hardest sufferings are spiritual sufferings, because there is no handmade medicine for it...

  • Christmas greeting from Archbishop Alexander

    Archbishop Alexander (Nehodenko)

    Christ is Born!
    Glorify Him!

    Dear brothers and sisters in Christ in Ukraine and abroad,
    accept our sincere congratulation in the day of Christmas!

    People got the great God’s plan for salvation with Jesus Christ birth.

    The Creator became a man to raise people on the God’s level.

    “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!” (Luke 2:14) - our hearts are singing together with God’s Angels...

  • Christmas epistle of Archbishop Oleksandr

    Archbishop Oleksandr (Nehodenko)

    Jesus is coming!
    Let’s glorify Him!

    Dear brothers and sisters, I congratulate you with the Day of Christmas!

    The coming of God’s Word on the Earth in the image of Jesus Christ gave the humanity a new stage of the spiritual development – improvement of human nature through love and serving. And every God’s child finds this Christian way sooner or later. And the special time comes and even the whole nation stands in front of choice of its further growth...

  • Christmas epistle of Archbishop Oleksandr

    Archbishop Oleksandr (Nehodenko)

    Jesus is coming!
    Let’s glorify Him!

    Dear brothers and sisters, accept the sincere congratulations with the Christmas Day!

    Thousands years separate our present time from the time of visiting Jesus Christ of our Earth. Since the first Christmas and till now God, as the Creator and the Loving Father, constantly looks after His children. He sends blessing energy of purification and spiritual healing on the Earth...

  • Christmas epistle of Archbishop Oleksandr

    Archbishop Oleksandr (Nehodenko)

    Jesus is coming!
    Let’s glorify Him!

    Dear brothers and sisters, I congratulate you with the light and majestic feast of Christmas!

    During these days people’s souls are happy in a very special way, because the great flow of God’s grace is coming on the Earth. The Great renewal of the earthly and human nature is coming.

    Right now, like two thousand years ago Jesus Christ has been mystically born and He carried the salvation to the people through the improvement of human souls!...

  • Christmas epistle of Archbishop Oleksandr

    Archbishop Oleksandr (Nehodenko)

    Jesus is coming!
    Let’s glorify Him!

    Dear brothers and sisters, I congratulate you with the light and majestic feast of Christmas!

    During these days people’s souls are happy in a very special way, because the great flow of God’s grace is coming on the Earth. The Great renewal of the earthly and human nature is coming.

    Right now, like two thousand years ago Jesus Christ has been mystically born and He carried the salvation to the people through the improvement of human souls!...

  • Christmas epistle of Archbishop Oleksandr

    Archbishop Oleksandr (Nehodenko)

    Jesus is coming!
    Let’s glorify Him!

    Dear brothers and sisters, I congratulate you with the light and majestic feast of Christmas!

    During these days people’s souls are happy in a very special way, because the great flow of God’s grace is coming on the Earth. The Great renewal of the earthly and human nature is coming.

    Right now, like two thousand years ago Jesus Christ has been mystically born and He carried the salvation to the people through the improvement of human souls!...

  • Christmas epistle of Archbishop Oleksandr

    Archbishop Oleksandr (Nehodenko)

    Jesus is coming!
    Let’s glorify Him!

    Dear brothers and sisters, I congratulate you with the light and majestic feast of Christmas!

    During these days people’s souls are happy in a very special way, because the great flow of God’s grace is coming on the Earth. The Great renewal of the earthly and human nature is coming.

    Right now, like two thousand years ago Jesus Christ has been mystically born and He carried the salvation to the people through the improvement of human souls!...

  • Christmas epistle of Archbishop Oleksandr

    Archbishop Oleksandr (Nehodenko)

    Jesus is coming!
    Let’s glorify Him!

    Dear brothers and sisters, I congratulate you with the light and majestic feast of Christmas!

    During these days people’s souls are happy in a very special way, because the great flow of God’s grace is coming on the Earth. The Great renewal of the earthly and human nature is coming.

    Right now, like two thousand years ago Jesus Christ has been mystically born and He carried the salvation to the people through the improvement of human souls!...

  • Christmas epistle of Archbishop Oleksandr

    Archbishop Oleksandr (Nehodenko)

    Jesus is coming!
    Let’s glorify Him!

    Dear brothers and sisters, I congratulate you with the light and majestic feast of Christmas!

    During these days people’s souls are happy in a very special way, because the great flow of God’s grace is coming on the Earth. The Great renewal of the earthly and human nature is coming.

    Right now, like two thousand years ago Jesus Christ has been mystically born and He carried the salvation to the people through the improvement of human souls!...

  • Christmas epistle of Archbishop Oleksandr

    Archbishop Oleksandr (Nehodenko)

    Jesus is coming!
    Let’s glorify Him!

    Dear brothers and sisters, I congratulate you with the light and majestic feast of Christmas!

    During these days people’s souls are happy in a very special way, because the great flow of God’s grace is coming on the Earth. The Great renewal of the earthly and human nature is coming.

    Right now, like two thousand years ago Jesus Christ has been mystically born and He carried the salvation to the people through the improvement of human souls!...

  • Christmas epistle of Archbishop Oleksandr

    Archbishop Oleksandr (Nehodenko)

    Jesus is coming!
    Let’s glorify Him!

    Dear brothers and sisters, I congratulate you with the light and majestic feast of Christmas!

    During these days people’s souls are happy in a very special way, because the great flow of God’s grace is coming on the Earth. The Great renewal of the earthly and human nature is coming.

    Right now, like two thousand years ago Jesus Christ has been mystically born and He carried the salvation to the people through the improvement of human souls!...