Archbishop Alexander (Nehodenko) Archpriest Maksym (Bykov) Archpriest Vitalian (Drobotun)

  • About the forgiveness before the Great Lent, about the trials of the Ukrainian people and about the power of prayer

    About the forgiveness before the Great Lent, about the trials of the Ukrainian people and about the power of prayer

    We know that Lord can do everything. He said: "Keep asking and it will be given to you. Keep searching, and you will find. Keep knocking and the door will be opened to you". And we have asked today. We asked during the Liturgy, we will ask at home, we will gather together with our families to pray, because it is not the problem of Crimea. Therefore I ask you pray sincerely...

  • About the first students of Jesus Christ and about the search of own fate

    About the first students of Jesus Christ and about the search of own fate

    Every person on the Earth in its own time asks a question: “Why I do not understand the things that are happening around me? Why does everything happen not in the way I want to? ” And this soul continues: “Why did that happen in such way? Why do I have this situation? For what purpose did it happen? Why did everything happen? ” Every wise and intelligent person starts to think about it. But how can we understand all that? How to do it?...

  • About the descent of the Holy Spirit and about the keys from the Kingdom of God

    About the descent of the Holy Spirit and about the keys from the Kingdom of God

    The Lord told to Apostles about the descent of the Holy Spirit. He told them to gather together and wait. It was the Heavens' promise. And we have to understand, that God gave keys from the Kingdom of God through them…

  • About the Descent of the Holy Spirit

    About the Descent of the Holy Spirit

    We read in the Gospel the story about the coming of Our Savior Jesus Christ on the Earth two thousand years ago. He taught people, He promised Apostles, that the Holy Spirit would descent on them after His left. “The Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.” And we see that God kept His word...

  • About the cross of Jesus Christ, about the cross of ordinary person and about the opportunity to gain through lost

    About the cross of Jesus Christ, about the cross of ordinary person and about the opportunity to gain through lost

    We have heard in the Gospel: “For whoever would save his life[d] will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel's will save it.” And every time I hear this I think about a little seed. It ruins. When it is planted into the ground it starts to ruin. But a little sprout comes out of that seed and it is very little in comparison with that seed. It grows and gives the life to a new, big and beautiful plan...

  • About the beginning of Jesus’ Christ ministry and about the approaching of Kingdom of Heavens

    About the beginning of Jesus’ Christ ministry and about the approaching of Kingdom of Heavens

    Jesus told: “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Maybe we must understand His words the other way that the kingdom of heaven is coming to your soul and will be inside you. Because later Jesus explained that the kingdom of heavens is already in your soul. It is not in Europe or the USA, it is in the soul. And when we build it inside our souls, it will become here, on Earth...

  • About the approaching of the God’s Kingdom and about the way it is going to happen

    About the approaching of the God’s Kingdom and about the way it is going to happen

    Jesus Christ said to the people: “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” (Mtw., IV: 12-17) How can it happen? How can the God’s Kingdom be at hand? First of all, it was always with us. The thing is that people sometimes can’t feel it and they close the doors of their souls in order not to see and know it. It the same time they live in the darkness and ignorance. And the Lord told us: “I came to teach you, to teach how to communicate with God, how to open your heart, to open your souls, to open your life to the God’s Light, to the understanding of the Truth, to the feeling of God’s Kingdom.”...

  • About the ability to be spiritual and not blind person

    About the ability to be spiritual and not blind person

    I want to remind you once again one of the main thoughts, which was brought by Jesus Christ. It is the idea that a person who believes in the Truth must not be blind. I want to lay the stress on the idea that he has to be spiritual and one who can see everything. Why? Because he/she has to see the world around us. Jesus all the time stressed that and told: “That scribes who live only according to strict laws can listen, but can’t hear; they can look, but can’t see.”...

  • About temptation through the wealth, about wisdom, and the God's law

    About temptation through the wealth, about wisdom, and the God's law

    The matter is not that a man is rich. The matter is his wealth blocks his relationship with God. A man begins to trust only in himself and his wealth. Why is it bad? As a connection with the truth becomes blocked...

  • About John the Baptist and about the way we have to prepare our road for God

    About John the Baptist and about the way we have to prepare our road for God

    A lot of people are looking for happiness. They look for it and think that it is in money, comfort, family life, work or somewhere else. But happiness is to reach God’s Love. Happiness is to be with God. This is happiness and “all other things will be added”, as the Lord said...

  • About John the Babtist and about the overcoming of the precipice between Earth and Heaven worlds

    About John the Babtist and about the overcoming of the precipice between Earth and Heaven worlds

    The Lord told about John the Babtist: “He is the greatest among people on the Earth, but he is the smallest in the Kingdom of Heaven. There are greater souls than he.” There is a big precipice among Earth and Heaven worlds...

  • About Herod the king, about God’s plans and about people's lives

    About Herod the king, about God’s plans and about people's lives

    I want to pay your attention on the fact: evil can do a lot of bad things, but God will finally improve that all. He improves everything in order the God’s Light could be on the Earth, that it burn and never disappear in human hearts. That human soul could change…

  • About God’s gifts – why and how do we get them

    About God’s gifts – why and how do we get them

    Apostle Paul appeals to us through the Bible (Romans ХІІ:6-14) with such words: “Brothers! Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them...” And we, dear brothers and sisters, have a chance to think over: “What gifts do we have?”

  • About faith, through which we get God’s grace and about love, with which we do good deeds

    About faith, through which we get God’s grace and about love, with which we do good deeds

    When we believe we consume in some way, we take. We say: "Oh Lord, I believe in You! Help me!" When we believe, when we take God as the energy, the truth, almost for 99% we always say: "God, Help us! Help me to do this or that..." We have a consumer-oriented mood to use God. If we do not give...

  • About evil Tenants and about the results of human deeds

    About evil Tenants and about the results of human deeds

    If a man does something in his society, at work, or in family, he carries responsibility for the success of this deed. Maybe, the man does very little thing, but it is important for God. And if a man does not do it in a good way, the Lord will take it away and will give to other people, who will do it in a good way...

  • About accomplishment of God’s promise on fifty day after His Resurrection and about the miracle of common prayer

    About accomplishment of God’s promise on fifty day after His Resurrection and about the miracle of common prayer

    We have head the Acts of Saint Apostles (Acts II:1-11) where the Lord promised His Apostles that the Savior will come and console their souls. But He told them to gather all together on fifty day...