Archbishop Alexander (Nehodenko) Archpriest Maksym (Bykov) Archpriest Vitalian (Drobotun)

  • To be or not to be happy

    God gave each of us free choice, gave us complete freedom in our deeds. And it depends on each person how we will use this freedom of choice in our life, in relation to ourselves or others, what we will do with it, we will do good (to go the way of life) or to do something annoying, evil (go the way of death). So with our own free will we can be happy or suffer permanently, be dejected, loosing heart more and more, plunging into the darkness deeper and deeper, that will devour the soul, making us even more miserable.

  • The Orthodox Feast “The Presentation of Jesus at the Temple”

    The Orthodox Feast «The Presentation of Jesus at the Temple»

    The Feast "Presentation of the Lord at the Temple" in the time of Emperor Justinian spread from Jerusalem to the whole East. Celebrated it on the forty day after the Birth of Jesus. The name of the feast came from the fact of meeting of God’s Son, Holy Virgin with religious Simeon. In the spiritual sense, this meeting is a symbol of the meeting of the Old and New Testaments...

  • The Orthodox Feast “The Nativity of the Holy Lady”

    The Orthodox Feast «The Nativity of the Holy Lady»

    The feast of the Nativity of Our Most Holy Lady is one of twelve main Christian feasts, which was set up in honor of the birth of the Most Holy Lady – the Mother of Jesus Christ. In the New Testament it is written very poor about the earthly life of the Holy Lady and there are no facts about her Birth and Her parents. About this event, in honor of which the feast was set up, we found out from the apocryphal Gospel of James (the second century)...

  • The Orthodox Feast “The Dormition of the Holy Lady”

    The Orthodox Feast The Dormition of the Holy Lady

    The Day of the Dormition of the Holy Lady is one of twelve main Christian feasts, which was set up in honor of the event, when God's Mother finished her Earth life and her body and soul was taken by Our Lord Jesus Christ on the Heavens...

  • The Orthodox Feast “The Annunciation to Our Lady”

    The Orthodox Feast The Annunciation to Our Lady

    The Christian feast of the Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary, celebrated April March 25 (April 7 in new calendar), is one of the twelve Great Feasts of the church year. It was set up in the honor of the announcement by the archangel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary that she would conceive and become the mother of Jesus, the Son of God, who would become the salvation for the lost humanity...

  • The Humbleness and Love

    The Humbleness and Love

    The human soul is like the scales: from one side is Divine part, from the other – human imperfection. If we exalt human imperfection in our soul, than according to the God’s justice, everything will be naturally balanced and the Divine part will fall down…

  • The greeting of Archbishop Alexandr with the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord

    Archbishop Alexander (Nehodenko)

    Glory to Jesus Christ!

    Dear brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, I congratulate you sincerely with the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord!

    An event that happened on Mount Tabor is the absolute confirmation of Jesus’ Christ words that He is God’s Son.

    The Lord took the human image to lead people to salvation!...

  • The greeting of Archbishop Alexandr with the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord

    Archbishop Alexander (Nehodenko)

    Glory to Jesus Christ!

    Dear brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, I congratulate you sincerely with the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord!

    An event that happened on Mount Tabor is the absolute confirmation of Jesus’ Christ words that He is God’s Son.

    The Lord took the human image to lead people to salvation!...

  • The greeting of Archbishop Alexandr with the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord

    Archbishop Alexander (Nehodenko)

    Glory to Jesus Christ!

    Dear brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, I congratulate you sincerely with the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord!

    An event that happened on Mount Tabor is the absolute confirmation of Jesus’ Christ words that He is God’s Son.

    The Lord took the human image to lead people to salvation!...

  • The Easter Epistle of Archbishop Alexander

    Archbishop Alexander (Nehodenko)

    Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen!

    Dear brothers and sisters, I congratulate you with the feast of the Holy Easter!

    In this holy day every Christian soul feels with great happiness the celebration of victory of the light over the darkness. The God’s Son in the image of the man comes on the Earth and brings the saving spiritual knowledge to the people. The knowledge which gives people the ability to go on the new level of the spiritual growth. The God’s Love and Grace – these are things, which Jesus Christ preaches to his disciplines.

  • The Easter Epistle of Archbishop Alexander

    Archbishop Alexander (Nehodenko)

    Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen!

    I congratulate you with the light and great holiday of the Holy Easter, dear brothers and sisters!

    “In my Father's house are many rooms.” (John XIV:2) – said Jesus to His disciplines to consolidate that people, who follow the road of life, the road of Jesus Christ will come to the Kingdom of Living God for certain. Because this is the area of God’s Love, wisdom and creation, where every soul is the part of the great God’s power…

  • The Easter Epistle of Archbishop Alexander

    Archbishop Alexander (Nehodenko)

    Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen!

    The greatest feast of the Easter gives every Christian, every good soul the mystical act of spiritual communication with God.

    “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life…”

    God’s Son brought from the Divine height Love and Forgiveness – these are the greatest gifts from God.

  • The Easter Epistle of Archbishop Alexander

    Archbishop Alexander (Nehodenko)

    Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen!

    Dear brothers and sisters, receive my sincere congratulations of the Holy Easter!

    In this bright day I want to wish every Christian soul and all God’s children Love, Wisdom, Strength and Desire to create good and peace in this world.

    Let’s try to multiply that light of love and peace, which God’s Son Jesus Christ brought to us...

  • The Easter Epistle of Archbishop Alexander

    Archbishop Alexander (Nehodenko)

    Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen!

    Dear brothers and sisters, receive my sincere congratulations of the Holy Easter!

    In this bright day I want to wish every Christian soul and all God’s children Love, Wisdom, Strength and Desire to create good and peace in this world.

    Let’s try to multiply that light of love and peace, which God’s Son Jesus Christ brought to us...

  • The Easter Epistle of Archbishop Alexander

    Archbishop Alexander (Nehodenko)

    Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen!

    Dear brothers and sisters, receive my sincere congratulations of the Holy Easter!

    In this bright day I want to wish every Christian soul and all God’s children Love, Wisdom, Strength and Desire to create good and peace in this world.

    Let’s try to multiply that light of love and peace, which God’s Son Jesus Christ brought to us...

  • The Easter Epistle of Archbishop Alexander

    Archbishop Alexander (Nehodenko)

    Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen!

    Dear brothers and sisters, receive my sincere congratulations of the Holy Easter!

    In this bright day I want to wish every Christian soul and all God’s children Love, Wisdom, Strength and Desire to create good and peace in this world.

    Let’s try to multiply that light of love and peace, which God’s Son Jesus Christ brought to us...

  • The Easter Epistle of Archbishop Alexander

    Archbishop Alexander (Nehodenko)

    Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen!

    Dear brothers and sisters, receive my sincere congratulations of the Holy Easter!

    In this bright day I want to wish every Christian soul and all God’s children Love, Wisdom, Strength and Desire to create good and peace in this world.

    Let’s try to multiply that light of love and peace, which God’s Son Jesus Christ brought to us...

  • The Easter Epistle of Archbishop Alexander

    Archbishop Alexander (Nehodenko)

    Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen!

    Dear brothers and sisters, receive my sincere congratulations of the Holy Easter!

    In this bright day I want to wish every Christian soul and all God’s children Love, Wisdom, Strength and Desire to create good and peace in this world.

    Let’s try to multiply that light of love and peace, which God’s Son Jesus Christ brought to us...

  • The Easter Epistle of Archbishop Alexander

    Archbishop Alexander (Nehodenko)

    Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen!

    Dear brothers and sisters, receive my sincere congratulations of the Holy Easter!

    In this bright day I want to wish every Christian soul and all God’s children Love, Wisdom, Strength and Desire to create good and peace in this world.

    Let’s try to multiply that light of love and peace, which God’s Son Jesus Christ brought to us...

  • The Easter Epistle of Archbishop Alexander

    Archbishop Alexander (Nehodenko)

    Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen!

    Dear brothers and sisters, receive my sincere congratulations of the Holy Easter!

    In this bright day I want to wish every Christian soul and all God’s children Love, Wisdom, Strength and Desire to create good and peace in this world.

    Let’s try to multiply that light of love and peace, which God’s Son Jesus Christ brought to us...