
Dear brothers and sisters!

I sincerely congratulate you with the feast of Saint Nikolaos!

Through thousands of years grateful human memory carried along this light image of good man as an example of serving to God and people.

To see and try, to find and awake, to change human nature into God’s nature – that was the meaning of life for Nicolas from Lycian. Later people started to call him Nikolaos the Wonderworker...

About the rich fool and about the barns of our life

We have to understand that the death always stands behind our back. We shouldn’t be afraid of these words. We have to be happy and sad – everything has to be in our life. But we should remember that God can take our life every minute...

About the good Samaritan and about the background of happy life

We know that every normal man needs love. And what is Love? Love is a sacrifice, which we must pay. Love can’t be exhaustive. Big sacrifice brings more love. The Lord said: “There can’t be a bigger love as to give your life for your friends”...

About the healing of a woman with discharge of blood, about resurrection of Jairus’s daughter and about the saving faith

A lot of people are treated from serious illnesses. But people today do not understand that their basic medicine is faith in God. Because only He can save. He will bless good doctors, He will create all circumstances in your life, that you will be healed...

How can you protect your soul and save it clean?

In the Holy Gospel we can find a lot of cases when Jesus Christ healed people, who were obsessed by evil spirit (Luke VIII:26-39, Mark ІХ:17-3, Matthew VIІІ:28-IX:1). What is obsession? How does it rule the person? What power does it have? How can you protect your soul and save it clean?...

About the Sower and about the results of earth life

It is important to remember that God gives gifts to a man, that this man could multiply those gifts. God doesn’t want to take them back. He wants the field full of wheat on that place where He sowed…

About the raising of widow’s son and about the mercy

Today we have heard in the Holy Gospel how Jesus showed His mercy. That is why, dear brothers and sisters, we also must act with mercy. And the mercy as we know from the story about Tobit can save from all sins. Maybe we did wrong things, a lot of different sins in our life, but mercy will help us to get salvation...