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- Written by Archbishop Alexander Nehodenko
- Category: Articles
- Hits: 2793
The human soul is like the scales: from one side is Divine part, from the other – human imperfection. If we exalt human imperfection in our soul, than according to the God’s justice, everything will be naturally balanced and the Divine part will fall down…
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- Written by Bishop Basil (Nesterenko)
- Category: Sermons
- Hits: 3268
Zacchaeus was the chief tax collector and nobody liked him because of this. People don’t like them, because they use their position for their own profit. But soul of Zacchaeus begged for confession that God would be able to forgive him...
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- Written by Bishop Nicholas (Berdyuhyn)
- Category: Sermons
- Hits: 2511
Jesus Christ can make a miracle for us and recover us from spiritual blindness. If all people in the world sincerely pray, like that blind man prayed, and ask God to open their eyes, than the world would quicker become a better place...
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- Written by Archbishop Alexander Nehodenko
- Category: Sermons
- Hits: 2462
The Lord told about John the Babtist: “He is the greatest among people on the Earth, but he is the smallest in the Kingdom of Heaven. There are greater souls than he.” There is a big precipice among Earth and Heaven worlds...
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- Written by Протоієрей Максим (Биков)
- Category: Articles
- Hits: 2787
The human’s soul is a specific soil, which is sowed with informational grain. And when a man takes some information close to his heart it grows with thoughts and later with feelings...
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- Written by Bishop Basil (Nesterenko)
- Category: Sermons
- Hits: 3083
They seized of the heir and killed in order not to give the vineyard back. They wanted to have the power over the vineyard, used knowledge to keep that power and did not share it...
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- Written by Bishop Basil (Nesterenko)
- Category: Sermons
- Hits: 3064
What is forgiveness? Forgiveness is the act of love. You can forgive a person with your mind, because you know that you have to do it. But in your heart you can’t forgive. And that is why it is not forgiveness. When you come to God, He won’t forgive you, because you didn’t forgive...