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- Written by Valentyne Zdurova
- Category: Articles
- Hits: 2487
"Have you ever heard a nightingale croaking, and a crow trilling, a sparrow clanging , and a сrane weeting? Of course you have never heard that. Everything in the world is created according to the principle of nature accordance. Every bird glorifies God with its language, and we, the Ukrainians, have to glorify God with our mother nightingale tongue as it was planed by the Creator, because the native language - is the way to God?
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- Written by Ludmila Miroshnychenko
- Category: Articles
- Hits: 2734
The word-combination "cloning of a human" (creation of alike, of repetition) itself causes a protest in my soul and has not even grey but black colour.
Is it possible to clone (to repeat) already existing person?
A human being is a union of spirituality and corporality (soul and body). And the primary element of this union is soul. Exactly for a soul, for the fulfillment of its mission a body is created.
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- Written by St Gregory, student Basil the New
- Category: Spiritual works
- Hits: 3080
Aerial toll houses refers to a teaching held by many Eastern Orthodox Saints and Eastern Orthodox Christians, about the immediate state of the soul after death. The most detailed account of the aerial toll-houses is found in the hagiography of Saint Basil the New, found in the Lives of Saints for 26 March (according to the Orthodox calendar). In this rendering, Saint Theodora, spiritual student of Saint Basil, appeared to another student, the pious and holy layman Gregory. According to the story, Gregory had prayed to God and asked him to inform them of what happened to Theodora after her death. God answered his prayers (according to this account) by sending Theodora herself to Gregory; and told him, in great detail, about her journey through the toll-houses.
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- Written by Archpriest Vitalian (Drobotun)
- Category: Articles
- Hits: 3501
This utterance has a very deep meaning, but, unfortunately, many people do not understand it. Any misunderstanding leads to opposition and brings a person to the wrong way. How can we explain the words of Jesus from the Holy Gospel in a right way? Having read or heard them somebody think: "How could it be? If I have father and mother, how shouldn’t I love them? How shouldn’t I help them? How can I leave everything and just follow God, serve to God only, and forget about my relatives?" No, our God Jesus Christ meant: a person who loves his/her relatives and neighbours more than loves God cannot be truly happy and cannot sincerely follow God.
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- Written by Archbishop Alexander (Nehodenko)
- Category: Sermons
- Hits: 2635
When we believe we consume in some way, we take. We say: "Oh Lord, I believe in You! Help me!" When we believe, when we take God as the energy, the truth, almost for 99% we always say: "God, Help us! Help me to do this or that..." We have a consumer-oriented mood to use God. If we do not give...
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- Written by Lilia Malovichko, Natalia Yarova
- Category: Articles
- Hits: 3240
Annually on the first Sunday after the Easter in all the orthodox churches is read the Gospel of John, in which we see how the resurrected Christ appeared to his disciples. Apostle Thomas was absent at that time, that is why he did not believe in the resurrection of Christ: "Unless I see in his hands the mark of the nails, and place my finger into the mark of the nails, and place my hand into his side, I will never believe!" He disbelieved, although he saw many wonders in the time of Jesus' life: how Jesus turned water into wine, fed the 5 thousand people, walked on water, numerous healings of people according to their faith.
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- Written by Valentyne Zdurova
- Category: Articles
- Hits: 2394
It so beautiful in Ukraine on Easter! Stars are still in the sky when the lights of Easter candles begin to the blink everywhere timidly. Endless human streams will move along the road from the temple to the temple and the good news will be heard, and everyone will take home sanctified sweet-scented Easter cake and brightly smiling Easter eggs in a smart basket.