Holy Resurrection of the Lord  in the temple of Transfiguration of the LordOn Great Saturday, April 19, 2014, and on Holy Sunday, April 20, 2014,in the temple of Transfiguration of the Lord, Archbishop Alexander in concelebration with Bishop Vasyliy ministered a solemn Mass in honor of the greatest and the principal Christian holiday - the Resurrection of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ....

Archbishop Alexander (Nehodenko)

Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen!

Dear brothers and sisters, I congratulate you with the feast of the Holy Easter!

In this holy day every Christian soul feels with great happiness the celebration of victory of the light over the darkness. The God’s Son in the image of the man comes on the Earth and brings the saving spiritual knowledge to the people. The knowledge which gives people the ability to go on the new level of the spiritual growth. The God’s Love and Grace – these are things, which Jesus Christ preaches to his disciplines.

About the feast of the triumphal entry of Jesus to Jerusalem and about the happiness and sadness of this day

They thought that the King of the Earth had come, but He was the King of the Earth and the Heavens. They thought about their material wealth, they did not think about their souls. They thought that the king would come, who would save them from Roman press and they would be free...

Palm Sunday in the temple of Transfiguration of the LordOn Palm Sunday, April 13, 2014, in the temple of Transfiguration of the Lord, the festive Divine Liturgy was celebrated by Archbishop Alexander in concelebration with Bishop Vasyliy and Bishop Nicholas in honor of the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem on the eve of severe sufferings and crucifixion on the cross two thousand years ago....

About the healing of a boy with unclean spirit by Jesus Christ and about the recipe of healing for the  people

We have heard the Gospel (Mark 9: 17-31) in which the Lord emphasized the fact that we must have the faith to overcome all trials and everything what happens with us. Because we are nothing without faith. And all Gospels are based on faith. And we see what can happen if people do not have faith. As an example in this Gospel we see that not only the father did not have enough faith, but the disciples of Jesus Christ did not have enough faith to heal that boy...

Joint prayer for the united Ukraine – God’s country

On Sunday, March 30, 2014, in the day of prayers for the killed innocent heroes of Maidan forty days ago, in the Transfiguration of the Lord Temple, all community honored Heavenly Hundred and prayed that all dreams of people, who sacrificed themselves for the better future for Ukraine, for the rebuilding of new, light, just and united Ukraine – God’s country...

About the cross of Jesus Christ, about the cross of ordinary person and about the opportunity to gain through lost

We have heard in the Gospel: “For whoever would save his life[d] will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel's will save it.” And every time I hear this I think about a little seed. It ruins. When it is planted into the ground it starts to ruin. But a little sprout comes out of that seed and it is very little in comparison with that seed. It grows and gives the life to a new, big and beautiful plan...