Bishop Basil (Nesterenko)

Bishop Basil

Bishop Nicholas (Berdyuhyn)

Bishop Nicholas

Archpriest Vitalian (Drobotun)

Archpriest Vitalian

Archpriest Maximus (Bukov)

Archpriest Maximus

Priest Vitalian (Kashych)

Priest Vitalian

Priest Vladimir (Kurlovich)

Priest Vladimir

Priest Alexander (Minchuk)

Priest Alexander

Archdeacon Oleg (Sukachov)

Archdeacon Oleg

Диякон Олександр (Драга)

Archdeacon Alexander

Deacon Oleg (Makovei)

Deacon Oleg

God gave each of us free choice, gave us complete freedom in our deeds. And it depends on each person how we will use this freedom of choice in our life, in relation to ourselves or others, what we will do with it, we will do good (to go the way of life) or to do something annoying, evil (go the way of death). So with our own free will we can be happy or suffer permanently, be dejected, loosing heart more and more, plunging into the darkness deeper and deeper, that will devour the soul, making us even more miserable.

"Have you ever heard a nightingale croaking, and a crow trilling, a sparrow clanging , and a сrane weeting? Of course you have never heard that. Everything in the world is created according to the principle of nature accordance. Every bird glorifies God with its language, and we, the Ukrainians, have to glorify God with our mother nightingale tongue as it was planed by the Creator, because the native language - is the way to God? 

Оnly the Creator can create a soul.

The word-combination "cloning of a human" (creation of alike, of repetition) itself causes a protest in my soul and has not even grey but black colour.

Is it possible to clone (to repeat) already existing person?

A human being is a union of spirituality and corporality (soul and body). And the primary element of this union is soul. Exactly for a soul, for the fulfillment of its mission a body is created.

St. Theodora's journey through the aerial toll-houses

Aerial toll houses refers to a teaching held by many Eastern Orthodox Saints and Eastern Orthodox Christians, about the immediate state of the soul after death. The most detailed account of the aerial toll-houses is found in the hagiography of Saint Basil the New, found in the Lives of Saints for 26 March (according to the Orthodox calendar). In this rendering, Saint Theodora, spiritual student of Saint Basil, appeared to another student, the pious and holy layman Gregory. According to the story, Gregory had prayed to God and asked him to inform them of what happened to Theodora after her death. God answered his prayers (according to this account) by sending Theodora herself to Gregory; and told him, in great detail, about her journey through the toll-houses.