About Herod the king, about God’s plans and about people's lives

I want to pay your attention on the fact: evil can do a lot of bad things, but God will finally improve that all. He improves everything in order the God’s Light could be on the Earth, that it burn and never disappear in human hearts. That human soul could change…

Christmas  in Kyiv, Ukraine, in theTemple of Transfiguration of the LordIn the morning of January 7, 2015, in the Temple of Transfiguration of the Lord, Bishop Mykolai celebrated the solemn Divine Liturgy in honor of the Nativity of the Lord.

On Christmas Eve, January 6, 2015, in the Transfiguration of the Lord TempleOn Christmas Eve, January 6, 2015, in the Transfiguration of the Lord Temple, Bishop Vasyliy in concelebration with Bishop Nicholas made the solemn thanksgiving service, during which five loaves, wine, oil, wheat, kutia (sweet grain pudding, Ukrainian traditional Christmas dish), fish and other gifts of God were blessed to celebrate the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ...

Archbishop Oleksandr (Nehodenko)

Jesus is coming!
Let’s glorify Him!

Dear brothers and sisters, I congratulate you with the Day of Christmas!

The coming of God’s Word on the Earth in the image of Jesus Christ gave the humanity a new stage of the spiritual development – improvement of human nature through love and serving. And every God’s child finds this Christian way sooner or later. And the special time comes and even the whole nation stands in front of choice of its further growth...

About the family tree of Jesus Christ and about preachers of God’s energy

Today we have heard the Gospel about the family tree of Jesus Christ – Our Lord (Mathew I:1-25). I want to separate two parts here. The first is about the genealogy of Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom Jesus was born, who is called Christ. And the second is about the miracle of the Birth of Jesus Christ from the Holy Spirit...



Let peace come to Ukraine!

The celebration of the Saint Nicholas Day in the temple Transfiguration of Our Lord

The real celebration of happiness and good happened on December 21, 2014 in the Transfiguration of the Lord Temple after the Divine Liturgy. Striplings and adults felt themselves near God’s Angels and Saint Nicholas...