Christ is Risen, dear brothers and sisters!
I congratulate you with the Holy Sunday and Holy Communion, with this perfect day, which was blessed by the Lord, that people could live in happiness, harmony with nature and God. It is a pity, but we do not understand the value of what the Lord have created.
I want to pay you attention to the today’s Gospel (John. V:1-15). The invalid suffered during 38 years for his sins. And when the Lord saw, that he suffered enough, He healed the invalid. But what do we see? The man was lying near that poor for many years, but nobody helped him. He was lonely. Everyone passed by and didn’t show some attention or love to him. There were other people, who were not so ill, or they were ill for not very long time. And nobody helped him, said: “Let me help you, that you could be healed, because you have been suffering for so long.”
We can see that in our life everything happens in the same way. Essentially, we all are lonely. Now the time is difficult, especially for Ukraine. The crisis is economical, moral and spiritual, which gives people the lack of faith. They do not trust each other, they feel lonely. A lot of people suffer because of illnesses. We see that people did not suffer so much from cancer before. I remember from a childhood that such cases happened rarely. And now a lot of people suffer from cancer.
But people do not understand the reason of their illnesses. Maybe they understand, but do nothing to stop the diseases. Generally, a man is lonely in this world, and feels lonely. And especially when there are no close people, who can help in this life. We are sorry for such people. People do not understand that in fact they are not alone in this world. And that invalid suffered during 38 years and waited for help. He did not understand that the help would come and the Lord would heal him, help him. God healed him. It happened. And it is truly a miracle for all and first of all for him.
So, we have to know that we are not completely alone in this world. We have to know that we came in this world through the God’s grace and will go from this world according to God’s Will. Because we have to know that the Lord is always with us. You have to trust Him. As He said: “Do not rely on the human kings and human sons, because they have no salvation.” We have to trust God completely, that He could be the center of our life, that we could follow Him. And we have to choose only the road that leads to Him. And we can see that the salvation is only in Him. He gives spiritual and physical healing.
The understanding should come that the Lord is the Source. He is a source of everything in this world – Love and Strength. We see, that He gave such power to His disciplines, that Apostle Peter healed not only ill people, but dead too, as we read today in the Holy Writ (Acts ІX:32-42). They were filled with God’s power so much. They had that power, because they had the strong faith in God. That is why we ask the Lord to get a piece of this power for us, that we could heal ourselves and I do not talk about other people, at least to have power to heal ourselves. That we could help each other to heal spiritually. And maybe someone will reach so high and will be able to heal other people physically according to God’s Grace.
And it is really a great blessing to live with God and to believe that He is the only Savior. That is why we have to remember that we are not alone in this world. You pray and ask God. And He will come and help maybe not today, but tomorrow. And we don’t have to think that something what we ask do not happen during the prayer. Because it is not our will, it is God’s Will, Wisdom. He gives everything step by step. If you pray and get at once, you will start to think: “I have everything, why should I pray? I will forget about God.” So we pray and ask and He gives improvements in our life and health slowly.
So lets be in God’s Church, keep the Lord in the center of your life, soul and live all our life with God.
Let the Lord save you.