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- Written by Archpriest Maxim (Bykov)
- Category: Sermons
- Hits: 2416
Jesus Christ said to the people: “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” (Mtw., IV: 12-17) How can it happen? How can the God’s Kingdom be at hand? First of all, it was always with us. The thing is that people sometimes can’t feel it and they close the doors of their souls in order not to see and know it. It the same time they live in the darkness and ignorance. And the Lord told us: “I came to teach you, to teach how to communicate with God, how to open your heart, to open your souls, to open your life to the God’s Light, to the understanding of the Truth, to the feeling of God’s Kingdom.”...
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- Written by Bishop Basil (Nesterenko)
- Category: Sermons
- Hits: 2384
We can see that with Jesus Christ’s coming the intensive fight was started between good and evil, light and darkness. The evil forces do not sleep even now. They are fighting now, but not as openly as it was before. They do not kill Christians physically, but they do it spiritually and morally...
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- Written by Bishop Basil (Nesterenko)
- Category: Sermons
- Hits: 2367
His birth Jesus Christ changed the course of history and human souls. Conceive blameless on Virgin Mary and the Holy Spirit he was born sinless. And Adam was also sinless, but he made a sin and by this act he put people in the sins. But the Lord came on the Earth. He gave us the opportunity to expiate our sins and to get the eternal life...
About the called and the chosen for the Lord's Supper since the time of Abraham till the present day
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- Written by Bishop Nicholas (Berdyuhyn)
- Category: Sermons
- Hits: 2601
We heard the Gospel (Luke, XIV:16-24), which stated that one host arranged a great dinner for his friends. What did Jesus Christ mean by this dinner? Of course, he meant, above all, those Jewish priests, whom the Lord prepared since Abraham. It was, as you know, the chosen people. And the Lord did everything in order to teach these people the truth, and through them to save the world. This continued for many thousands of years. You remember Abraham, Jacob, King David, Solomon. And now the time has come when the Lord revealed to them His Son. The dinner is the knowledge of God, the truth, which God prepared for this chosen people....
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- Written by Bishop Basil (Nesterenko)
- Category: Sermons
- Hits: 3169
Leprosy is our sins corroding us. They are corroding our soul and our whole body, and spirit. The Lord heals us, heals our souls, our bodies. But we may not understand this, and not everyone can give thanks to the Lord...
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- Written by Архієпископ Олександр (Негоденко)
- Category: Sermons
- Hits: 2352
The matter is not that a man is rich. The matter is his wealth blocks his relationship with God. A man begins to trust only in himself and his wealth. Why is it bad? As a connection with the truth becomes blocked...
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- Written by Archbishop Alexander (Nehodenko)
- Category: Sermons
- Hits: 2623
When we believe we consume in some way, we take. We say: "Oh Lord, I believe in You! Help me!" When we believe, when we take God as the energy, the truth, almost for 99% we always say: "God, Help us! Help me to do this or that..." We have a consumer-oriented mood to use God. If we do not give...