How to be accepted and loved by God? How to get God’s help in difficult moments of life

“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” It mean that Jesus Christ has so much power from God that He can solve every problem, every question; He can understand every offence, He can give us a rest. He can give a decision in every difficult situation of our life, when we become confused...

About the descent of the Holy Spirit and about the keys from the Kingdom of God

The Lord told to Apostles about the descent of the Holy Spirit. He told them to gather together and wait. It was the Heavens' promise. And we have to understand, that God gave keys from the Kingdom of God through them…

About accomplishment of God’s promise on fifty day after His Resurrection and about the miracle of common prayer

We have head the Acts of Saint Apostles (Acts II:1-11) where the Lord promised His Apostles that the Savior will come and console their souls. But He told them to gather all together on fifty day...

Feast of the Holy Trinity in the Temple of Transfiguration of the LordOn Sunday, June 8, 2014 all the Christians of the byzantine rite celebrate the Feast of the Holy Trinity. In the Temple of Transfiguration of the Lord Bishop Nicholas ministered a solemn Mass...

About the miracle of healing of the man born blind, about the suffering through the sins and healing through the gratitude to God

Jesus Christ healed a man born blind, a man, who was always blind. This great miracle was made by God. And His disciplines saw that and asked: “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” ...

About Jesus Christ’s conversation with the woman of Samaria and about the gifted to all people the Source of Eternal Life

We see in this Gospel that the Lord came according to Father’s Will on the Earth to execute such mission: He united all people in His Love, no matter of race or belongings to the different tribes of Jews. ...

About the healing of the invalid at the Pool on the Sabbath and about the lack of faith because of spiritual crisis in the society

Now the time is difficult, especially for Ukraine. The crisis is economical, moral and spiritual, which gives people the lack of faith. They do not trust each other, they feel lonely...