Actions, II :1-11

  • About the Holy Spirit, which lights up human hearts for the eternal life

    About the Holy Spirit, which lights up human hearts for the eternal life

    We came on this Earth to be in God’s truth and God’s will. We came with purpose – to raise our spirit. And we see how the nature fulfills itself with this sunny warmness, blossoms and gives fruit. And we are the same as nature. Every time when we come into the church we fulfills ourselves with God’s grace, the Holy Spirit. Then our soul grows, gives fruit...

  • About the descent of the Holy Spirit and about the keys from the Kingdom of God

    About the descent of the Holy Spirit and about the keys from the Kingdom of God

    The Lord told to Apostles about the descent of the Holy Spirit. He told them to gather together and wait. It was the Heavens' promise. And we have to understand, that God gave keys from the Kingdom of God through them…

  • About the Descent of the Holy Spirit

    About the Descent of the Holy Spirit

    We read in the Gospel the story about the coming of Our Savior Jesus Christ on the Earth two thousand years ago. He taught people, He promised Apostles, that the Holy Spirit would descent on them after His left. “The Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.” And we see that God kept His word...

  • About accomplishment of God’s promise on fifty day after His Resurrection and about the miracle of common prayer

    About accomplishment of God’s promise on fifty day after His Resurrection and about the miracle of common prayer

    We have head the Acts of Saint Apostles (Acts II:1-11) where the Lord promised His Apostles that the Savior will come and console their souls. But He told them to gather all together on fifty day...