About wisdom of forgiveness of enemies and about wisdom in difficult moments of life

Great Lent begins, and there are difficult moments. It is necessary to prepare for the feast, it is necessary to be able to forgive. But you should forgive wisely. In what way? It should not be in the way that you forgive a person, and he/she betrays you immediately… Therefore, it is necessary to be wise. If you have not enough wisdom, you can ask God for help: "God, give me Your wisdom, give me Your wise love..."

About the Descent of the Holy Spirit

We read in the Gospel the story about the coming of Our Savior Jesus Christ on the Earth two thousand years ago. He taught people, He promised Apostles, that the Holy Spirit would descent on them after His left. “The Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.” And we see that God kept His word...

About the Day of Judgment and about the proper choice: life or death

Today we have heard the Gospel (Matthew 25: 31-46), which the Lord gives us before the Lent that we could understand what our life is, how we have to purify and to understand the idea of religious life and purification of the soul to enter His Kingdom...

About the prodigal son and about the “property” of every man, how to get it and to spend it

We listened to the gospel (Luke, XV :11-32), which stated that one of the sons took some property from his father … Where did he spend that? First of all let’s become clear with the word “property”. What does every man have?...

Про Фарисея і Митаря, про зло від фарисейства - як воно виникає і як його викорінити

I want to stop on such thing as Pharisaism. What it is? Why it makes a lot of evil for the Earth? It is true that this Pharisaism is everywhere now. It is all over the country. We still remember the Soviet times. We were told that we lived in happy and good country... We see that our authorities say we live well today, that our economics develops. They told us all the time like Pharisee: “We are doing everything for our people, that they could live happily”...

Про мудрість Закхея і про те, як сьогодні запросити Ісуса до свого життя і до свого помешкання

We listened the Gospel about Zacchaeus and you should think whether you would like to be on Zacchaeus’ place? Would you like to climb up on the tree and look at prophet Jesus, at Messiah, to look at Him with hope that He would come to your house? Would you like to do it? Surely. But a lot of time passed. How can we do it now?

About the approaching of the God’s Kingdom and about the way it is going to happen

Jesus Christ said to the people: “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” (Mtw., IV: 12-17) How can it happen? How can the God’s Kingdom be at hand? First of all, it was always with us. The thing is that people sometimes can’t feel it and they close the doors of their souls in order not to see and know it. It the same time they live in the darkness and ignorance. And the Lord told us: “I came to teach you, to teach how to communicate with God, how to open your heart, to open your souls, to open your life to the God’s Light, to the understanding of the Truth, to the feeling of God’s Kingdom.”...