On Holy Thursday in the temple of Transfiguration of the LordOn Holy Thursday, May 2, 2024, in the temple of Transfiguration of the Lord, Archbishop Alexander in concelebration with Bishop Nicholas celebrated the evening prayer, reading 12 Passion Gospels, which tell about sufferings of Christ.

The clergy and the faithful were in mystical union with our Lord Jesus Christ, who two thousand years ago on the eve of his death, having washed feet of his disciples at the Last Supper, showed the example of true brotherly kindness, humble life and service to others.

Preparing to fulfill the mission given him by the Father, He wept bloody tears of mental suffering in garden of Gethsemane. The Savior took inhuman suffering and martyrdom on the cross for the sake of salvation of humanity, for the sake of new life, in which the good wins among people. It is mystery of invincibility of the Son of man and those, who want to follow Him.