How to sow a good grain in your heart?The human’s soul is a specific soil, which is sowed with informational grain. And when a man takes some information close to his heart it grows with thoughts and later with feelings...

About the evil tenants and good fruit

They seized of the heir and killed in order not to give the vineyard back. They wanted to have the power over the vineyard, used knowledge to keep that power and did not share it...

About the unforgiving debtor and about the ability to forgive

What is forgiveness? Forgiveness is the act of love. You can forgive a person with your mind, because you know that you have to do it. But in your heart you can’t forgive. And that is why it is not forgiveness. When you come to God, He won’t forgive you, because you didn’t forgive...

About the healing of the boy with a demon and about the secret of the effective prayer

Remember the words of Apostle Peter: “Brothers, if you pray and the Lord does not react on your prayers, it means that you do something wrong.” If you want the reaction of the Lord on your prayers, remember simple praying secret...

About God’s gifts – why and how do we get them

Apostle Paul appeals to us through the Bible (Romans ХІІ:6-14) with such words: “Brothers! Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them...” And we, dear brothers and sisters, have a chance to think over: “What gifts do we have?”

About the God’s righteousness and about the human righteousness

We can see in the Gospel and in the Romans that a lot of people think they live righteously. They think that their attitude towards life, people, living circumstances are right…

About the healing of Centurion’s servant and about Jesus’ knowledge of doing good

Centurion came to Jesus and begged for someone’s healing. Who was it? It wasn’t his wife, it wasn’t his child. He asked God to heal his servant...