
  • About the rich fool and about the barns of our life

    About the rich fool and about the barns of our life

    We have to understand that the death always stands behind our back. We shouldn’t be afraid of these words. We have to be happy and sad – everything has to be in our life. But we should remember that God can take our life every minute...

  • About the raising of widow’s son and about the mercy

    About the raising of widow’s son and about the mercy

    Today we have heard in the Holy Gospel how Jesus showed His mercy. That is why, dear brothers and sisters, we also must act with mercy. And the mercy as we know from the story about Tobit can save from all sins. Maybe we did wrong things, a lot of different sins in our life, but mercy will help us to get salvation...

  • About the prodigal son and about the “property” of every man, how to get it and to spend it

    About the prodigal son and about the “property” of every man, how to get it and to spend it

    We listened to the gospel (Luke, XV :11-32), which stated that one of the sons took some property from his father … Where did he spend that? First of all let’s become clear with the word “property”. What does every man have?...

  • About the Pharisee and the Tax Collector, about the Judge and the Widow, about the prayer and the salvation

    About the Pharisee and the Tax Collector, about the prayer and the salvation

    Why did Jesus Christ tell that parable? The explanation is just at the top this Gospel. There is one sentence, when Jesus said: “When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?” And next He told about some people, who exalted themselves with their righteousness, but in such way they humiliated other people...

  • About the Pharisee and the Tax Collector and about God’s blessing

    About the Pharisee and the Tax Collector and about God’s blessing

    There is a difficult choice in front of us – how to communicate with God, what gift bring to Him and what to ask. We have to understand that and be ruled by that in our lives, that our life could be full of God’s power. That we understand who we really are. This God wants…

  • About the perception of the world through God’s knowledge with humbleness, wisdom and hope

    About the perception of the world through God’s knowledge with humbleness, wisdom and hope

    Every soul on the Earth, which comes in this world, gets its body. It starts to live in this world and comes across with one thing – it is a choice. The soul makes a choice what to do: evil or good. The soul choses whether to say the truth or to practice deceit. These things are the choices of the soul. Why?…

  • About the perception of Jesus Christ’s sacrifice and about the place, which is prepared for everyone

    About the perception of Jesus Christ’s sacrifice  and about the place, which is prepared for everyone

    Gospel of Mark, where the Lord in the third time foretold His death and resurrection, we should accept with soul and heart, not with mind. We should understand the condition of Jesus Christ at that time, because He knew beforehand that He would fulfill that difficult mission – give His life to save many people and that people...

  • About the Myrrhbearers of past and present

    About the Myrrhbearers of past and present

    They walked and understood that any minute the armed people or Jews, who hatted Jesus, could attack and kill them. Because the murder in the name of God considered to be a very good thing. They did not completely understand, what they were doing...

  • About the miracle of walking on water and about the faith, that changes the conscience of people

    About the miracle of walking on water and about the faith, that changes the conscience of people

    Jesus Christ is the Son of God, but we are also God’s children. It is our perspective. So I want to wish you do not lose this perspective. Because we came from the ground despite we have heavenly spirit and heavenly fire. We are the creations of the Earth and the creations of the Lord. If we are creations of the Earth, so our time here is short. And this time, which is given to us, we would like to live more perfect....

  • About the miracle of healing of two blind men and how protect yourself from blindness

    About the miracle of healing of two blind men and how protect yourself from blindness

    Many people come to God only for the ritual. It mean that people want to be healed only physically. He/She forgets that first of all you should be healed spiritually. But again, when the person takes care only for the body, his spirit degrades...

  • About the miracle of healing of the man born blind, about the suffering through the sins and healing through the gratitude to God

    About the miracle of healing of the man born blind, about the suffering through the sins and healing through the gratitude to God

    Jesus Christ healed a man born blind, a man, who was always blind. This great miracle was made by God. And His disciplines saw that and asked: “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?”...

  • About the miracle of healing form physical and spiritual blindness

    About the miracle of healing form physical and spiritual blindness

    Jesus Christ can make a miracle for us and recover us from spiritual blindness. If all people in the world sincerely pray, like that blind man prayed, and ask God to open their eyes, than the world would quicker become a better place...

  • About the miracle of having the faith as small as the grain of the mustard seed and about Jesus’ sufferings because of lack of people’s faith

    About the miracle of having the faith as small as the grain of the mustard seed and about Jesus’ sufferings because of lack of people’s faith

    We see how the son of one man suffered and that man asked Jesus for help. His son was epileptic. In fact, if that boy had a faith, if he believed in God, any evil spirit could enter his soul. But the lack of faith raises in people an obsession of sins and passions...

  • About the killing of 14 thousand babies and about the way to the Heavenly Kingdom

    The sermon about the killing of 14 thousand babies and about the way to the Heavenly Kingdom

    We can see that with Jesus Christ’s coming the intensive fight was started between good and evil, light and darkness. The evil forces do not sleep even now. They are fighting now, but not as openly as it was before. They do not kill Christians physically, but they do it spiritually and morally...

  • About the Holy Spirit, which lights up human hearts for the eternal life

    About the Holy Spirit, which lights up human hearts for the eternal life

    We came on this Earth to be in God’s truth and God’s will. We came with purpose – to raise our spirit. And we see how the nature fulfills itself with this sunny warmness, blossoms and gives fruit. And we are the same as nature. Every time when we come into the church we fulfills ourselves with God’s grace, the Holy Spirit. Then our soul grows, gives fruit...

  • About the healing of two men with demons and about the healing of our bodies and souls

    About the healing of two men with demons and about the healing of our bodies and souls

    God comes to us also very unexpectedly. And the Lord knows that we suffer spiritually and physically. He wants to help us, but we cannot always accept Him in our hearts....

  • About the healing of the Paralytic and about the chances of healing today

    About the healing of the Paralytic and about the chances of healing today

    When the Lord said to the Paralytic: “Son, your sins are forgiven.” What had happened in that very moment? God forgave his sins, which he made and the Holy Spirit settled down upon that man. And the evil spirits, which were near him and paralyzed him, left the man...

  • About the healing of the invalid near the pool and about the presence of God’s power in our life

    About the healing of the invalid near the pool and about the presence of God’s power in our life

    The people, who follow God’s road, devote their lives to serve God also have angels near themselves, which are blessed by God. Angels help in life and give God’s healing…

  • About the healing of the invalid at the Pool on the Sabbath and about the lack of faith because of spiritual crisis in the society

    About the healing of the invalid at the Pool on the Sabbath and about the lack of faith because of spiritual crisis in the society

    Now the time is difficult, especially for Ukraine. The crisis is economical, moral and spiritual, which gives people the lack of faith. They do not trust each other, they feel lonely...

  • About the healing of the boy with a demon and about the secret of the effective prayer

    About the healing of the boy with a demon and about the secret of the effective prayer

    Remember the words of Apostle Peter: “Brothers, if you pray and the Lord does not react on your prayers, it means that you do something wrong.” If you want the reaction of the Lord on your prayers, remember simple praying secret...