About the healing of the Paralytic and about the chances of healing today

When the Lord said to the Paralytic: “Son, your sins are forgiven.” What had happened in that very moment? God forgave his sins, which he made and the Holy Spirit settled down upon that man. And the evil spirits, which were near him and paralyzed him, left the man...

About the chief tax collector Zacchaeus

Zacchaeus was the chief tax collector and nobody liked him because of this. People don’t like them, because they use their position for their own profit. But soul of Zacchaeus begged for confession that God would be able to forgive him...

About the miracle of healing form physical and spiritual blindness

Jesus Christ can make a miracle for us and recover us from spiritual blindness. If all people in the world sincerely pray, like that blind man prayed, and ask God to open their eyes, than the world would quicker become a better place...

About John the Babtist and about the overcoming of the precipice between Earth and Heaven worlds

The Lord told about John the Babtist: “He is the greatest among people on the Earth, but he is the smallest in the Kingdom of Heaven. There are greater souls than he.” There is a big precipice among Earth and Heaven worlds...

About the evil tenants and good fruit

They seized of the heir and killed in order not to give the vineyard back. They wanted to have the power over the vineyard, used knowledge to keep that power and did not share it...

About the unforgiving debtor and about the ability to forgive

What is forgiveness? Forgiveness is the act of love. You can forgive a person with your mind, because you know that you have to do it. But in your heart you can’t forgive. And that is why it is not forgiveness. When you come to God, He won’t forgive you, because you didn’t forgive...

About the healing of the boy with a demon and about the secret of the effective prayer

Remember the words of Apostle Peter: “Brothers, if you pray and the Lord does not react on your prayers, it means that you do something wrong.” If you want the reaction of the Lord on your prayers, remember simple praying secret...